Support the Movement

The “100 Portraits of Copenhagen’s Power Women,” also known as “The Power People Project,” aims to inspire and empower individuals by showcasing the authentic stories and unique journeys of remarkable women. By supporting the Power People movement, you are contributing to a global conversation about power, resilience, success, and individuality, and helping to create a more inclusive and equal future.

We are pleased to announce that the Danish Fundraising Board has officially issued permission to collect and receive donations for the “100 Power Women project” (>>> 23-700-06589).

MobilePay number for donations – 120880

For bank transfer use – reg. no.: 3409 account no.: 13655901
iban: DK5630000013655901

For PayPal and Credit Cards, press the button below:

There are several ways in which you can support the movement and become part of the change:

Spread the Word: Share the project with your friends, family, and colleagues, both online and offline. The more people engage with the Power Women’s stories, the greater the impact of the movement. Use social media platforms, word of mouth, and other channels to raise awareness and encourage others to join the conversation.

Attend the Exhibition: By visiting the physical exhibition in Copenhagen or exploring the online exhibition, you are showing your support for the movement and the Power Women featured in the project. Engage with the portraits and stories, reflect on the messages they convey, and share your thoughts and experiences with others.

Support the Power Women Network: Connect with the Power Women through the project’s network and learn more about their initiatives, projects, and ideas. Collaborate, share resources, and exchange ideas to help amplify the impact of their work.

Participate in Events and Workshops: The Power People Project will host various events and workshops to promote the movement and foster dialogue about the themes explored in the exhibition. Attend these events to learn, network, and contribute to the conversation.

Volunteer: Offer your time and skills to support the Power People movement. Whether it’s helping with the exhibition, contributing to the online platform, or assisting with events and workshops, your involvement as a volunteer can make a significant difference.

Financial Contributions: Consider making a financial contribution to support the project and the ongoing efforts to create a more inclusive and equal future. Your donations will help fund the exhibition, the online platform, and future initiatives that aim to empower individuals and communities.

By supporting the Power People movement, you are joining a community of individuals who are passionate about creating a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background, title, or societal expectations. Together, we can celebrate the Power Women, embrace the diversity of thought that is shaping our world, and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive future.